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Safely Owning And Operating An Emergency Generator In A Townhouse Community

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If you live in an area that has storms, hurricanes, or blackouts, you know how distressing it can be to deal with a power outage. If the power goes out in the summer or the winter, your house temperatures could possibly reach unsafe levels, causing you to have to relocate your family for an undetermined amount of time. For many people, this is not feasible, either economically nor logistically. A standby generator can keep your household and sanity running during these times. If you live in a townhome community, here are some procedures you must perform to safely operate the generator. 

Carve out an outdoor niche for the generator

Generators should be placed outside in a properly enclosed area. This space should keep the generator enclosed but allow air to flow freely so that the unit will not overheat and any gasses that the unit produces can properly escape. Generators, especially gas generators, should not be kept indoors nor should they sit too closely to the house. A spot that is further away from the windows and doors is the best place for a generator. 

Properly store (enough) fuel for the generator

Generators will either be run by diesel fuel, regular gas, or propane. In order for the generator to operate, you will have to have these items available. Before the start of the bad weather season, be sure to purchase and store the fuel necessary to run your generator for a few days up to a week at a time. If your generator is run by gas, purchase an appropriate no-spill gas container. If it is run by propane, you can easily purchase and refill a propane tank as necessary. Store these items inside of a shed not too close to other chemicals.

Tell the neighbors when you run the machine

Most generators will create and release carbon monoxide while they are running. For this reason, you need to have your windows shut when running the machine. Be sure to tell the neighbors next to you and anyone whose backyard is facing yours that your generator will be running. This way they will know to have the windows that are near your home shut for safety. 

Purchase a unit with less noise

One of the worst parts of running a generator is dealing with the large humming noise. Some units are being made to decrease the noise that a running generator will be put off. In a townhome community, you don't want to disrupt your neighbors or cause any possible noise violations with your homeowner's association. Check the published sound level on any emergency generator before purchase. 

Click here for more info on standby generators or do an online search. 
