Decorating Your Home With Awesome Candles

How to Create Interesting Lighting Using the Trees in Your Yard

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Tall trees are some of the most attractive bases to use for lighting a yard. You don’t have to worry about your lighting looking overly symmetrical or planned—the natural variety of each tree will keep things from looking too orderly. The simplest way to use trees as a part of your lighting is to put decorative hanging lanterns on them. Since the branches of a tree come out at different heights, you’ll end up with lanterns that are interestingly spaced without even trying.…

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4 Reasons to Replace Your Carpet

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Buying a home that has been around for some time is a great way to get into a “new” home sooner rather than later. Sometimes everything looks nice and clean, but you really do not know how old all of the flooring is or how clean it really is. Carpet is one of those things that can be clean on the surface but ghoulish down by and in the carpet pad.…

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3 Unique Ways To Reuse Old Window Blinds

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Do you have some old window blinds that you no longer have a use for? Instead of just throwing them out with the trash, you might want to consider some of the various ways that you can put them to good use. To help you do that, you can check out the following three unique uses for old window blinds. Labels For Plants Cut the individual window blind strips into three or four inch pieces.…

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