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Safely Owning And Operating An Emergency Generator In A Townhouse Community

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If you live in an area that has storms, hurricanes, or blackouts, you know how distressing it can be to deal with a power outage. If the power goes out in the summer or the winter, your house temperatures could possibly reach unsafe levels, causing you to have to relocate your family for an undetermined amount of time. For many people, this is not feasible, either economically nor logistically. A standby generator can keep your household and sanity running during these times.…

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New Carpet? 4 Steps To Cleaner Carpets

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If you’ve recently invested in new carpeting, you want to make sure it lasts as long as possible. The best way to do that is to make sure it stays clean. Vacuuming your carpet at least once a week will get rid of the dirt particles that can grind away at the delicate fibers. In addition, you should also shampoo your carpeting at least once a month. Here are four tips that will help get your carpet as clean as it can be.…

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Four Reasons To Consider Granite Countertops For Your Kitchen Remodel

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When planning your kitchen remodel, you’ll want to focus on more than just the aesthetics of your new space. Choosing durable materials, such as granite countertops, can do more than just make your kitchen look great. Here are a few reasons to consider granite in your remodel plans. Simple Maintenance Granite countertops can be cleaned with soap and water to keep them looking great. If you choose a granite slab counter, you won’t have to worry about cleaning between tiles, so simply wiping the counters down regularly with a soft cloth is all the maintenance you’ll need to perform.…

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Bed Bug Eradication Facts Every Bitten Homeowner Should Know

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All it takes is one little critter inadvertently carried home from a friend’s house or a hotel and the next thing you know, you are facing an all-out bed bug infestation. No matter who you are, where you live, or even how clean you keep your house, bed bugs can easily become an issue because they have shown their presence in every last state in the country. Before you get creative and take to the internet to find out what you can do on your own to handle a bed bug problem at your house, there are a few things that you should know.…

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Canine Scent Detection & Treatment For Bed Bugs

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Did you open up a drawer to get something to wear and a dead bed bug was in it? The bed bug carcass may have gotten into your clothing after a trip (if you took one), so you may want to get a canine scent detection inspection before getting your home exterminated. In this article, learn how canine scent detection can help you avoid spending money on bed bug extermination if your home isn’t infested with any that are alive.…

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4 Tips For Using A Snow Blower

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Congratulations, you did it–you finally decided to spare yourself the grueling wintertime chore of shoveling snow buy investing in a snow blower. But hang on just one second before you fire that thing up. While snow blowing may seem like the simplest thing in the world, there are actually a few important things you should know before you get down to business. This article will provide four tips to keep you–and your snow blower–in tip top condition.…

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Laundering And Other Concerns When Choosing Cloth Or Disposable Diapers

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Having your first baby is an overwhelming time. You have many decisions to make, and little experience to base them on. One choice you have to make is if you’ll use cloth or disposable diapers. You may want to use cloth because they are gentler on the environment, yet you may want the convenience of disposable diapers. Each type has its advantages, so you’ll need to consider some of these points before you decide.…

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How to Create Interesting Lighting Using the Trees in Your Yard

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Tall trees are some of the most attractive bases to use for lighting a yard. You don’t have to worry about your lighting looking overly symmetrical or planned—the natural variety of each tree will keep things from looking too orderly. The simplest way to use trees as a part of your lighting is to put decorative hanging lanterns on them. Since the branches of a tree come out at different heights, you’ll end up with lanterns that are interestingly spaced without even trying.…

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4 Reasons to Replace Your Carpet

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Buying a home that has been around for some time is a great way to get into a “new” home sooner rather than later. Sometimes everything looks nice and clean, but you really do not know how old all of the flooring is or how clean it really is. Carpet is one of those things that can be clean on the surface but ghoulish down by and in the carpet pad.…

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3 Unique Ways To Reuse Old Window Blinds

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Do you have some old window blinds that you no longer have a use for? Instead of just throwing them out with the trash, you might want to consider some of the various ways that you can put them to good use. To help you do that, you can check out the following three unique uses for old window blinds. Labels For Plants Cut the individual window blind strips into three or four inch pieces.…

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